Claycomo Firefighters would like to thank everyone who took time to vote on the Bond Issue, Aug. 6! With your support, we can purchase new equipment to continue serving Claycomo residents! Thank you for your support!!
Phone Numbers:
For Emergencies call: 9-1-1
Emergencies (KCFD Dispatch): 816-513-0911
*Non-Emergencies (KCFD Dispatch): 816-513-0900
Claycomo Fire Station:
Claycomo Fire Department
333 NE 69 Hwy
Claycomo, MO. 64119
Smoke & CO Detector Installs.
We will come and install or change batteries for smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Call during normal business hours to schedule a visit.
Station Tours
We welcome anyone that would like to tour the fire station. We just ask that you call ahead during normal business hours.
Ambulance Billing & Record Requests
For any ambulance billing questions or record requests for incidents after 5/1/2018, please contact: Andres Medical Billing, Ltd. / Fire Recovery EMS at (800) 244-2345 and fax# (800) 329-5274. Any other questions, please feel free to contact the Fire Station.
Open Burning
Click HERE for more information
Works normal work week. But always on call.
Fire Investigator & Fire Code Official
The full-time staff works 48/96 hour shifts. Meaning they work, eat, train, sleep for two days straight, then they are off for 4 days. They are organized into 3 shifts of 3 personnel, and each shift is commanded by an Officer. Each Officer also is in charge of certain aspects of daily operations. These individuals also are able to be called back for major incidents.
When we need shifts filled to cover sick, vacation or Kelly Days, we use Part Timers to fill the slots. We also occasionally use them for special assignments such as inclement weather, and call backs for large incidents.
Fire Department Application (pdf)