The Village of Claycomo has a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). This system is regulated by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources through the Comprehensive General Permit for Phase II MS4s. The goal of the stormwater permit program is to improve the quality of surface waters by reducing the amount of pollutants potentially contained in the stormwater runoff being discharged. The DRAFT permit document and a google form link for comments are available on the Village of Claycomo's website, We welcome your review and comment. Please provide comments on the google form link or by calling the City Clerk at 816-452-5539 ext. 7.
Claycomo's Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) will meet or exceed the Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) as outlined in the DRAFT Comprehensive permit.
There are 6 MCM areas Clayclomo will implement:
1. Educate about stormwater impacts
2. Provide opportunities for public participation in the stormwater plan
3. Eliminate illicit discharges into waterways
4. Control construction site stormwater runoff
5. Manage stormwater on new development or redevelopment sites
6. Prevent pollution from municipal operations
The objectives of this program are to identify potential sources of pollution and implement best management practices (BMPs) for preventing and eliminating pollution. COMMENT LINK