Due to the weather conditions earlier in the week, our trash service day will be delayed by 1 day. Republic services will run our route on Friday, March 7, 2025.
Many residents have called about the change in our trash service schedule. Some may have gotten postcards or notifications. If you got one, it was a mistake by Republic.
Claycomo's Trash Service will continue to come on Thursdays until further notice. If you have any questions, please call City Hall (816-452-5539, opt 7
The Village of Claycomo Code of Ordinances, Section 7-52, requires a fee for each dog owned by a resident. This fee is $5.00 for dogs that have been spayed or neutered and $10.00 for any dog that has not been spayed or neutered. Owners are required to provide a copy of each dog’s current rabies vaccination at the time of application (Sec 7-54).
Licenses are valid from January 1 through December 31 of each year and MUST be affixed to the collar of the dog (Sec 7-57). Any license purchased after January 31 shall carry a late penalty of $2.50. Residents that take ownership of a dog after January 31st of said year, has 60 days to license the dog before a penalty is assessed. If tag is lost, a replacement tag can be acquired, at a cost of $2.50. If your pet is not properly registered and/or the tag is not affixed to its collar you may also be cited a nuisance violation that may incur court fees. Dogs deemed vicious will not be permitted to be licensed in the Village of Claycomo. We will start accepting applications for 2025 licenses on December 2nd. The form is available by download HERE. There are also forms available at City Hall.
If your trash is not getting picked up, but your neighbors' trash is, check these guidelines to make sure your trash cart is placed properly for the truck to service it. Your trash cart must be at least 3 feet away from any other object (car, tree, mailbox, etc.).
Another reason your trash cart may have been missed is "Excluded Wastes". These are items that Republic Services does not pick up. If the driver sees any "Excluded Waste" materials, they may elect to not service your trash until the matter is taken care of. Excluded Waste includes, but is not limited to: hazardous, radioactive, volatile, corrosive, highly flammable, explosive, biomedical, infectious, biohazardous, toxic, or listed or characteristic hazardous waste as defined by Applicable Law or any otherwise regulated waste. They will not pick up tires, used oil, or vehicle batteries. If you aren't sure about whether or not you can dispose of something, it's best to call and check.
Republic Services at (816) 254-1470.
Don't forget, trash day changes to Thursday on June 6.
The Village of Claycomo does not have a storm debris dump site. Our trash service doesn't pick it up either. Here are locations that we are aware of, to take your storm debris:
KCMO/4707 Deramus Ave.
Pleasant Valley/5400 NE Pleasant Valley Rd.
Gladstone/Metro North area
KCMO/11660 N Main Street
KCMO/1815 N Chouteau Trafficway
KCMO/10301 Raytown Road
If you know of other options that you would be willing to share with our residents, please contact City Hall, (816) 452-5539, opt 7.
In the past, the Community Shelter for storms and excessive temperatures was located in the basement of City Hall. As of March 1, 2024, the new post for our Community Shelter will be in the Claycomo Community Building. The Community Building is located directly behind Claycomo City Hall and Police Station, at 28 S. Drake. If the facility is closed and doors are locked, call 816-781-7373 to have an officer dispatched to allow you access. Your safety is important to us!