We know Operational Permits are new to the Village, and we have noticed that almost all but a couple of the Business License Applications recently did not have the Operation Permit portion not completed and none of them had included and supporting documentation. The supporting documentation includes a Site Map/Layout, Hazardous Material Information Sheet, or Missouri Tier II form, explained below. These are not only important information to have, but they are required.
Supporting Documentation
Hazardous Materials Information Sheet/Listing (HMIS): Downloadable form can be found on our website. This can be used for chemicals that meet the requirements described in the Operational Permits Definitions located on our prevention and business pages, but is below the Missouri TIER II requirements.
Site Map/Layout: This is used to provide us with a layout of the business or property to show us where hazards, utilities, exits, access, dangers, hydrants, and other key information is. You can use google maps aerial view for outside site maps. Layouts should look like Escape Plan or architectural drawing. If you do not have access to either of those, then you can use the provided form that can be found on our prevention website. It does not have to be to an exact scale, but close proximity and legible would be greatly appreciated.
Missouri TIER II Form: The requirement applies to any person engaged in business in Missouri having ten thousand pounds (10,000 lbs.) or more of a hazardous chemical at a facility or five hundred pounds (500 lbs.) or more (or the threshold planning quantity, whichever is less) of an extremely hazardous substance shall complete the Missouri Tier Two form for all such hazardous chemicals and extremely hazardous substances. For more information: https://hazmat.dps.mo.gov/ or https://www.sos.mo.gov/cmsimages/adrules/csr/current/11csr/11c10-11.pdf
With the adoption of the International Fire Code, we are requiring operational permits for certain operations in the Village. We have created several forms and guides to help answer most questions.
Includes: Restaurants, Churches, Dancing studios, Library, Outdoor assembly events.
Permits: Places of assemblies, Open flames and candles, Outdoor assembly events, liquid or gas-fueled vehicles or equipment in assembly building.
Supporting Documentation: Site Map.
Includes: Offices (they may have other buildings that fall under other type)
Permits: LP Gas (Propane) for heating.
Supporting Documentation: HMIS and Site Map
Includes: Factories, Metal/welding businesses.
Permits: Compressed Gases, Cryogenic fluids, flammable and combustible liquids, hazardous Materials, Hot work operations, Industrial ovens, LP Gas, Magnesium, miscellaneous combustible storage, repair garages and motor fuel dispensing, spraying and dipping.
Supporting Documentation: Site map, HMIS and/or Missouri Tier II.
Includes: Retail stores, gas stations, auto sales.
Permits: Aerosol products, Compressed Gas, Flammable and combustible liquids, High-piled storage, LP Gas, Motor fuel-dispensing facilities.
Supporting Documentation: Site map, HMIS and/or Missouri Tier II.
Includes: Work and maintenance shops, repair garages, storage units, Warehouses
Permits: Compressed gas, flammable and combustible liquids, High piled storage, Hot work operations, LP gas, miscellaneous combustible storage, repair garages and motor fuel dispensing facilities, Waste handling.
Supporting Documentation: Site map, HMIS and/or Missouri Tier II.
Includes: Sheds, Carports, Communication Equipment, Barn.
Permits: Varies
Supporting Documentation: Varies