The mission of the Village of Claycomo, Missouri, is to provide quality service that enhance the safety, economic diversity, environment, and health of the community. Claycomo is a place where residents and businesses can thrive together in an atmosphere of courtesy, integrity, and respect.
Board Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month unless Monday lands on a holiday, which is the next day the Board will meet. Meetings are open to the public. Public meetings may be recorded.
The new location for our Community Shelter is Claycomo Community Building. If you need shelter from storms or excessive temperatures, the Community Building is located directly behind Claycomo City Hall and Police Station, at 28 S. Drake. If the facility is closed and doors are locked, call 816-781-7373 to have an officer dispatched to allow you access. Your safety is important to us!
Please feel free to contact us and let us know how we can serve you better!
816-452-5539 ext. 7